02 August 2015

Feeling stressed

August is here, and school starts on Wednesday 12th August. My classroom is still packed up in the old building, and my new classroom is not finished. It was almost finished when I had a look on Friday lunchtime, but absolutely nothing has happened since then. I was hoping to get stuff moved across tomorrow afternoon so I could start getting things set up on Tuesday, but that's not going to happen.
There is one wall that it not yet finished. It looks a bit like the one above, with a little big more patching over joins in the sheeting. It needs two coats of paint (primer & top coat) to finish it. I suspect it's only going to get one, but hopefully I'm wrong.

There's also a window grill (like the one in the photo above) that needs to be put back in, blinds need to be installed, and all the stuff that it is in it (construction workers living there) has to be moved out.

Once all that is done, the room has to be cleaned (it's disgusting at the moment).
After that's done all my stuff will need to be moved from the 4th floor in the old building, down to the first floor of the old building, out a window, across the first floor of the connecting building, and up to the fourth floor of the new building. This photo from two years ago will give you a bit of an idea of just how much stuff that is!

I've also got to work out how I'm going to deal with the fact that there is only one powerpoint in the whole room, and that is beside the door in the light switch! All the furniture has to be put into position, and all the boxes unpacked and everything set up ready for school to start. Please pray for me. Pray for patience. Pray for endurance. Pray for serenity. I think I need to print a big copy of the serenity prayer and post it where I can see it often:

God grant me 

the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
the Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference.

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