02 April 2011

The Power of Three (Part 3)

Stay close!

This afternoon I had the privilege of attending part of the wedding ceremony of one of our Khmer teachers at EWIS. I was substantially late, partly because I was late leaving home and partly because I ended up having to take a considerable detour when I wasn't allowed to turn left at an intersection where previously I could. Life's like that. Anyway, back to the topic. I arrived in time for the closing part of the minister's message to the bride and groom, and while his remarks were directed at the bride and groom, they could really be applied to each one of us (albeit with some modification for those of us who are single). I thought that this set of three "stay close" remarks was worth sharing.

1. Stay close to the Lord. If we're not walking closely with Him, spending time with Him, worshipping Him, bringing our cares and concerns and needs to Him, and resting in His presence, then life never seems to go quite so well.

2. Stay close to each other. Obviously important for marriage, but equally important in other relationships. It's quite possible to stay close to our families even though we are many miles apart.

3. Stay close to your friends. Relationships with those outside our families are also important. Even introverts need time with other people. No matter who we are, we truly need friends. I'm grateful to God for my friends, especially those who take time to encourage me even when I haven't had much time to spend with them.

Thanks Lord for the reminder to "stay close"!

I pray that my colleague will indeed "stay close" to his Lord, to his new wife, and to his friends.

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