08 June 2011


This evening as I sit in my apartment, enjoying the freedom of quiet time alone with my computer, with the breeze from the fan keeping me comfortable, I got to thinking about how we so often get things out of perspective.

One of the things that prompted these thoughts was reading a special friend's blog. As I read of her struggles, as she and her husband continue to love and care for her 18 month old with special needs as well as their three older children, I had to think how blessed I am. There are days when I'm tired, when I don't want to think about moving house, when I wonder how I'm going to get all my grading done and my reports completed, when I can't wait to move house because of the "yucky" (to me) smells coming up from downstairs or the sounds of the screaming toddler also coming up from downstairs, when I just feel like I've had enough. Then I read my friend's blog. Or I read another friend's blog, of her struggles with juggling raising three active boys in a country of small houses. What do I have to complain about? I don't go to bed at night wondering how many times I'll be wakened by the needs of child whom I love to pieces, and yet wish he didn't have to struggle so hard just to live. I don't have to consider anyone else when I plan my holidays, much less 3 active boys! I really do have it pretty easy!

God has given me the gift of singleness. Yes, I do think it is a gift. There are times when I long for the companionship of a partner, or the joys of raising children, but what I really know is that God has chosen me for the place where I am now. I know that marriage and parenting are not easy, but there are benefit too! The same is true of singleness.

Being single I have a freedom to serve God in ways that might not otherwise be possible. I also know that the only person that I can lean on, knowing He will never let me down, is God. Would I be tempted to lean on a partner when I should be leaning on God. Quite possibly. Would I be serving in Cambodia if I was married with kids? Probably not, although I know many who are.

So, when things get you down, or it just all seems too much to handle, have a look at some of the other people around you, and know that God gives us just what we can handle. To my friends whose blogs I've mentioned, you guys are amazing! Yes, I know you are very human, but I also see you lean on the only One who truly understands, and am encouraged and challenged to do likewise! Thank you my friends.

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