25 July 2018

Summer Reading # 1 - You Are AweSome

An important part of being a teacher is being a lifelong learner. Another part is finding good resources to use with students. The first book I read this summer, picked up in the bookshop in Singapore Airport fits both those categories, as well as being encouraging for me personally.

You Are Awesome: Find Your Confidence and Dare to be Brilliant at (Almost) Anything: The Number One Bestseller by [Syed, Matthew]

Our secondary principal takes great delight in telling me that I'm awesome, so when I spotted this book in the airport bookshop I thought it would be worth reading, even more so when I read the back cover. 


It's not as impossible as you might imagine.
If you're the kind of person who thinks ...

* I need a special type of brain to do maths
* You're either good at sport or you're not
* I don't have a musical bone in my body

... then I've written this book for you, to challenge the beliefs that hold you back. Whatever you want to be good at, the right mindset can help you achieve your dream.

I KNOW you can do it. How? I wasn't born sporty, but I'm a two-time Olympian.
You know how else I know?


This book absolutely lived up to it's cover. It was easy to read, and packed with practical tips. One of the key points raised in this book is the importance of having a growth mindset, rather than a fixed mindset. Wonder where I've heard that before - oh that's right - IPC Brainwave. Another important point was that we need to make small changes consistently. Lots of small changes end up with GIANT results. 

So where to from here. My goal for this semester is to improve teachers' perceptions of my interpersonal communication skills. Wow! That might sound like something I've got no control over, and to some extent it is. I can't control other people's perceptions. However what I can do is change my mindset (that I've always struggled with the interpersonal stuff for the last 30 years) to a more positive one, and make those marginal steps that will result in better relationships with staff and students.

The other thing that I've got going for me is that I don't have to make those changes in my own strength. I know God wants me to be relating well to the people I work with, because that's how they get to see Him. So one of those "marginal gains" for me is going to be spending the time when I'm walking to work talking to and listening to Him. The time is already there - I just need to use it effectively. Who says you can't walk and pray at the same time. I just need to be somewhat aware of the traffic, because it won't help anyone if I get knocked down by a speeding car or moto!

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