The recent earthquakes in Japan and New Zealand, along with the floods and cyclones in Queensland make this topic somewhat close to home. What would I take if I could only take 3 things?
- My Bible
- My computer
- My mobile phone
Now if it was down to three actual objects, that would be really challenging. I think the Bible would still be there, living overseas I think I'd have to make sure I had my passport, and the phone could save my family a lot of heartache. God would provide all my needs, but I really hope I don't have to be tested on this one in the near future (although I suspect my friends in Japan are thinking that they are really glad they weren't tested in that way).
Definitely challenging.
We have a list posted on the wall and a few bags packed. It isn't a nice thing to think about, but we've come perilously close to acting on what has been a hypothetical previously. I don't think I'll ever look at a hypothetical like that in the same way again.