31 May 2011

Wondering ...

Just wondering why so many tough things happen in this world. Today I was alerted to two sad events that have occurred to young people connected with people I know. The first, a Logos graduate from two years ago (Class of 2009) is in hospital in Holland in a coma, having been diagnosed with cancer and complications. The second, a year 12 student at a Christian school in Tokyo, was killed in a motorbike accident this morning. Those are just two events that I know about. My friends in Tokyo are struggling with this, especially coming on top of the March earthquake and tsunami, and associated events. I suspect the classmates of the Logos student are also struggling, although I also know they will be praying hard for her and her family. We may never know why these things happened. It's not easy to deal with them, but for me, I have to hold on to the truth, "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." (Romans 8:28). It is hard to understand how He does this, but I do know that He does what He has promised. Let's pray today for those young people and their families who are going through tough times. Pray they will all know the comfort that only God can bring. Pray for the "peace that passes understanding" to fill their lives as they grapple with these situations. And while we're praying, let's pray for young people generally. Pray that they will know Christ. Pray that God will work in their lives. Pray that they will be surrounded by people who truly care for them. Bad things happen in this world, but there is a good God in charge.

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