26 March 2010

Hooray - the week is over

It's Friday afternoon. The children have all gone, and the cleaner has come in to clean the room. It's not total peace, as the PA system announces the names of children for whom parents or drivers are waiting, and there's a basketball game due to start sometime shortly, but basically peace is beginning to settle on the school. Now is when I could turn the air-conditioner on, and not feel guilty, except that today I don't really need it! Yes! Some time in the early hours of this morning the heat gave way to thunderstorms, followed by rain. There have been just 3 degrees between today's minimum of 24 and the maximum of 27 at 3pm. Humidity has however not dropped below 83% all day. Thanks Lord for a cool day, and for the rain which settles the dust (and create's mud instead!!!).

So does this mean I'm free to relax? Well, maybe I can watch a movie tonight, but I do still have research reports to grade, and other assignments that need to be reviewed and/or graded. I also need to plan for the coming week. It will be an easy week to plan for, since we are going to do lots of "test preparation". Starting on Thursday next week, and continuing for about 5 days, the children will complete the Stanford Acheivement Test (SAT) for their grade level. The results of these standardised tests allow us to see how our students are doing in comparison to other international schools, other Christian schools, and simply how different classes are progressing. To give the children the best chance of doing well, I spend about a week working through practice tests with them, that have similar types of questions, and a similar answer form.

As well as doing this, I also need to spend some time completing some additional application forms for positions for next year. I know that God has good things planned for me, but unless I put in application forms, and keep making an effort to find another job, it will be very hard for Him to show me what that plan is. Unfortunately, writing applications is a very time-consuming process, and even though I have completed several now, every form seems to word the questions slightly differently, and so even though I have a lot of the thoughts down, they have to be worded so that they answer the question being asked.

Then on Sunday afternoon I will be leading worship at the ICF. The songs are chosen, but I still need to finalise how I am going to make these flow together so that they form a smooth time of worship of our great and wonderful God. Each time I lead worship, I pray that God will simply use me as His tool to lead others in a meaningful time of corporate worship. I pray this will happen on Sunday this week too!

It's Friday! Hooray! Now I'd better get down to those Research Reports and that planning.

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